By the 1980s, Murtić was internationally recognized as one of the leading abstract painters from the socialist world.
In a new socialist world, there was no place for a decadent, frivolous, and commercially compromised bourgeois fashion.
Israel, like much of the socialist world, seems only now to be facing up to the problems of an inefficient socialist economy.
The whole world, by then, including the socialist world, wanted English.
East Germany's problems, he said, rose from demands fired by the modernization sweeping the socialist world.
Essentially the novel imagines a socialist and humanist world where religion has been either suppressed or ignored.
Is this a socialist world we're living in?
There is no advanced industrial country outside the socialist world that does not have, in one form or another, a democratically oriented government.
Renewal processes take place in the socialist world.
It normally sympathizes with the socialist world rather than the capitalist one.