In the early 1990s the socialist regime collapsed, and while Albania turned to democracy they had no previous experience of implementing it.
The military socialist regimes also prompted the conservatives to join forces to stem the growth of the left.
He describes the nature, family life in the countryside and the day to day under the socialist regime.
They achieved autonomy, an impossible goal during the socialist regime.
Despite his work for the national socialist regime he received a position at the university in Graz in 1945.
Most of the opposition to his socialist regime was arrested and jailed or exiled.
A people's democratic regime, however, is not a socialist regime.
After almost a century of dictatorial domination, socialist regimes were replaced by democratic ones.
He was involved in the dissident movement under the socialist regime.
Will we now have another round of hostile relations with this charismatic leader whose 1972-80 socialist regime so alarmed Washington?