In his review, Morris objects to Bellamy's portrayal of his imagined society as an authority for what socialists believe.
Some socialists believed that socialists could take state power in democratic elections, so they tried to make socialist parties in their own countries win elections.
By implementing public or cooperative ownership of the means of production, socialists believe there will be no need for a welfare state.
Other socialists believe the Chinese have embraced many elements of market capitalism, specifically commodity production, resulting in a full-blown capitalist economic system.
The anarchists, socialists and workers believed this war would advance the class struggle toward a better society.
Other socialists also believed that a Russian revolution could be the precursor of workers' revolutions in the West.
Many democratic socialists and social democrats believe in a form of participatory democracy and workplace democracy combined with a representative democracy.
Libertarian socialists believe in converting present-day private productive property into common or public goods, while retaining respect for personal property.
Mr President, it is bizarre that socialists believe that there can be social progress without economic growth and structural reform.
In a period of crisis, we socialists believe that Europe should respond through its budget with very specific characteristics.