And the money to attack the social underpinnings of the carnage was forever lost to a three-trillion-dollar national debt.
"When you help small entrepreneurs, that creates a middle-class part of the social underpinning of a democracy," he said.
That all went on top of the social underpinnings.
Despite their differences, NAT and high reliability organization theory share a focus on the social and organizational underpinnings of system safety and accident causation/prevention.
His novels and short stories depict the social underpinnings of class struggles and colonialism in Filipino society.
She puts events carefully in context, supplying the political and social underpinnings of what looks to 20th-century eyes suspiciously like one long royal nervous breakdown.
These results suggest that minority residential segregation may influence mortality risk and underscore the traditional emphasis on the social underpinnings of disease and death.
THE cultural shadow boxing that draws women into the ring is as arresting as the social underpinnings of any great fight.
But in the new situation its social underpinnings were less secure, and there was a consequent increase in illegitimacy in this Essex village in the 1840s.
Some of the dramatic features included here explore the social and cultural underpinnings of the music as they locate its roots.