In the middle of their ludicrous social swirl is the grown-up, unglamorous pediatrician, Francesca Weissman, who went to Spence with Samantha.
It's not surprising, then, that by all accounts, lawyers blend into the social swirl about as well as oil blends with water.
She is an out-of-towner at the center of the city's social swirl, clearly well born but without the New York pedigree of some of her peers.
Great social swirl.
Even in the social swirl of a gallery opening, Martin is pulling back and asking about creativity, asking how an artist does what she does.
The social swirl spreads out over two large floors, each with its own dining room and bar.
Mr. Ross has a taste for events like this, and for the social swirl and political turmoil of the decade he describes so vividly.
But now, as in eras past, the increased popularity of the sport is as much about its surrounding social swirl as the athletics.
By night, she is his much-photographed partner in the glittering social swirl.
She fit well into Vining's social swirl.