The location could not have been more convenient, nor, certainly, more exclusive from a social standpoint.
That's bad enough, but there are schools, hospitals and 20,000 other priorities that would be more important than this from an economic and social standpoint.
And yet from a social standpoint it had to be done, given the absence of the real article.
Even from a social democratic standpoint it wasn't really radical.
But does the decline matter from the larger social standpoint?
So this made a lot of sense for us not only professionally but from a social standpoint as well.
Now, you can say that all of this is self-interested behavior, but from a social standpoint it doesn't make much difference.
Within the confines of marriage, women and men were not considered equal from either a legal or social standpoint.
From a social standpoint, it is critical that we understand that equal numbers of boys as girls have difficulty learning to read.
From the employment and social standpoint, I find this work programme very disappointing.