To behaviorists, social skills are learned behavior that allow people to achieve social reinforcement.
This means there is social reinforcement.
Many factors leading to interpersonal attraction have been studied, all of which involve social reinforcement.
Influence of social reinforcement and the behavior of models in shaping children's moral judgment.
Evidence also exists for the usefulness of social reinforcement as a part of behavioral interventions for children with ADHD.
Negative reinforcement - social negative reinforcement (escape), automatic negative reinforcement.
Also, I am going where they are going, and that is social reinforcement.
Token reinforcement is essential, but is always accompanied by social reinforcement.
Tokens are intended to make reinforcement explicit and immediate, and to strengthen behavior, but in the end social reinforcement should be sufficient to maintain what's been learned.
Hupfer K, Maurus M. Operant conditioning of the squirrel monkey with social reinforcement.