The last few years have been turbulent ones - by Danish standards anyway - in the social and political realms.
His only real liability, as you've already guessed, is in the social realm.
Individually I think, marriage must be taken out of the social realm and fully back into the private one.
Public response extends the exchange into the social realm.
Conservation of species has implications for humans in the economic, social, and political realms.
Scientists perform research toward a more comprehensive understanding of nature, including physical, mathematical and social realms.
The first major differentiation he makes is between two social realms, the system and the lifeworld.
Overdevelopment has a huge impact on the environment, the social realm, human rights, and the global economy.
Even with treatment, patients do not always regain full functioning, especially in the social realm .
Women sought better positions within economic, political, and social realms than they had occupied in the nineteenth century.