Falling export prices led to rising unemployment and a social malaise that briefly erupted into riots in 1959.
Never have I had an hour of worse social malaise.
"But the breakdown was merely the catalyst that revealed much deeper social malaise," explained one senior staff member who did not join the strike.
According to decades of research, child marriages contribute to virtually every social malaise that keeps India behind in women's rights.
There's no social malaise, these books seem to say, and no social solution either.
Clegg No, sire, he's a symptom of a wider social malaise.
But in the second half of his presidency, the social malaise grew, and the government was pressed to change the direction of its policies.
Gool said the crime against Adams was evidence of a deep social malaise.
Another cause of social malaise is the crisis faced by the family, which is failing in its role as a morally healthy environment.
Even with these restrictions, though, Iranian films remain surprisingly severe on the subjects of Government failures and social malaise.