The council defended his presence at the event, insisting it was a place where "these communities come together to promote closer economic and social links".
The first being a biological relationship with nature and the second being a social link thus sociology.
A sociogram is a graphic representation of social links that a person has.
In any society both "vertical" and "horizontal" social links may be observed.
For some, the reason is one of choice; they do not have a job or social links that tie them to a 24 hour day.
Because mental distress often has social links, this type of emergency room is closely bound to the world around it.
For women, conversation is much more important for building relationships and strengthening social links.
In Persona 4, social links present the same benefit to the player.
As the population density has increased, social and economic links within the region have also grown.
Our political, economic and social links must continue to grow.