The idea is that social landlords will be able to borrow more on the basis of higher rental income.
Only 2.2% were in local authority housing, with a further 11.5% renting from a housing association, or other registered social landlord.
Private houses are now sold very quickly and there is a waiting list for those houses belonging to the social landlord.
Homes left empty without good reason by any public authority will be transferred to a better social landlord.
Housing complaints procedures: principles of good practice for social landlords.
The social housing regulator sets standards that social landlords are expected to meet.
This ground only applies to property which is owned by a charitable housing trust or registered social landlord.
Collecting rent is the core function of a social landlord.
In order to register as a social landlord, you will have to prove that your business or organisation is financially viable.
The coalition's new zero carbon strategy could open up new funding for social landlords.