Michael Young was a social innovator who had previously launched the Consumers' Association, the Open University and around 40 other organisations.
Since the mid-1960s Schimmelpennink has been active as an industrial designer and social innovator, with special focus on sustainable transportation concepts.
The twenty years which followed showed him to be one of the most remarkable social innovators of his time.
Like many of this country's social innovators, Dr. Carr, 50, largely depends on grants from the public and private sectors.
Recently, he was chosen as one of the most outstanding social innovators in the world by the Ashoka International Organization.
She was recognized for building shared spaces and networks for social innovators designed to foster cooperation.
Generally, the states would carry a larger share of the everyday financial load than in the past, and they would be the major social economic innovators.
Each DM competition focuses on a specific theme or sector and draws applications from a range of social innovators and entrepreneurs.
Now in its 12th year, the 13-part series of half-hour shows features social and scientific innovators with breakthrough solutions for people and planet.
Barakat does work with social innovators in its three target countries.