A man of social ineptitude whose clothes were often food-stained, he once made a living casting horoscopes for unappreciative European princes.
Her social ineptitude is especially apparent when it comes to sarcasm, metaphors which she often interprets literally, and pop culture jokes.
Low mental skills, social ineptitude, poor grooming, eccentricities.
For members of the Police with questionable personal characteristics, social ineptitude and tendency towards violence, stop-and-search provide a wonderful opportunity to express their limited skills.
The embarrassment of social ineptitude, typified by:
Left without his best buddy Norm tries to fill the gap with his usual social ineptitude.
She is initially drawn to the air of mystery that surrounds the chess master and feels compassion for his social ineptitude.
In each episode, Robot, usually with the help of his friends, gets himself into a situation brought on by his social ineptitude and others' lack of understanding.
But in my patient's story there was nothing strongly pointing to self-sabotage or even run-of-the-mill social ineptitude.
Children whose social ineptitude makes them lonely playground rejects are among those most likely to drop out in high school.