These outfits create the glamorous identity that is beautiful, black, female, and endowed with unusual social empowerment.
For example, CBD projects can include everything from simple information sharing to social, economic and political empowerment of community groups.
Its major programmes are geared towards youth, social and economic empowerment, with a special focus on improving the quality of basic education in Nigeria.
Among the other ongoing projects the promotion of legal and social empowerment of women in Bangladesh is also to be mentioned.
They recalled that social empowerment makes better use of human potential, contributing to economic development in a significant manner.
It is a welfare organisation, working for educational, political and social empowerment of the community.
Educational, cultural, economical, political, and social empowerment of Chicanos.
It was set up to address poverty reduction through the social, political and economic empowerment of women in urban poor and resettlement communities.
Buddhism at work: Community development, social empowerment and the Sarvodaya movement.
It focuses on social empowerment, community development, and environmental management.