Those in authority were concerned about the growing unrest, political and social agitation among the working classes, and the disaffection of the intelligentsia.
"Due to the atmosphere of social agitation our country experienced, our image abroad was hurt," Ms. Vazquez said.
Strong social agitations shook the country, creating insecurity.
Propaganda by itself was insufficient; they must involve themselves in social agitation and make it known that the republicans were involved:
But we don't want to be accused of social agitation.
Genuflect is wired for political and social agitation.
The goal of the protest was to advance the job opportunities of African Americans within the hotel through the use of social agitation.
Access to certain publications would neither promote civil society nor act as a form of social control, and libraries would instead become sites of social agitation.
The catalyst which in 1905 transformed this complex pattern of social and political agitation into a direct assault upon the autocracy was a disastrous war with Japan.
Unemployment in both the cities and the countryside skyrocketed and social agitation came to a head.