Almost as quickly, a sobering realization struck him.
Perhaps the most sobering realization is how wide the gap of understanding remains.
Or was the adrenaline fading now, leaving behind the sobering realization that another monster roamed the world?
Then his embarrassment subsided as he reached the sobering realization that the whole world was changing all around him.
But interspersed with thoughts of the holidays are more sobering realizations.
Yet, a sobering realization has struck the industry: The ski generally requires a subtle range of skills to avoid mishaps and possible injury.
But now has come the metaphorical morning after, and with it a sobering realization: Maybe the universe isn't simple enough for dummies like us humans.
It is the sobering realization that leadership entails responsibility; above all, the responsibility to be responsible.
"We're coping, but it is a sobering realization to find out just how important those telephone links are."
Only later reflection brought the sobering realization that there really wasn't much to celebrate.