She gave them each a sobering look.
For a sobering look at Breashears's tour of the warming roof of the world, see this clip.
For an even more sobering look at the brass tacks of this business, read this complete example with actual numbers.
The August issue of Fast Company is a sobering look at the current age.
Residents have already received a sobering look at what the Sound's future is likely to hold without costly cleanup efforts.
The documentary is as sobering a look at drinking and driving as television delivers.
The first officer took a sobering look at them, then remembered that the Romulans were only half his problem.
He offers a sobering look at the vast array of research on poverty and single-parent households.
Platonov's original is a sobering look at the possibilities of a utopia.
It does require a kind of sobering look at events and the situation in the Soviet Union.