Tunk wandered among the tables until he found a particularly large party, all dressed in grand, sober style.
The remarkable original facade no longer exists and has been replaced by a much more sober style.
It was a style of the people, not ostentatious but sober and evenly balanced.
The end of World War I once again changed public attitudes, and a more sober style developed.
-but anything further from my own sober style would have been difficult to imagine.
The church is described as having a "grandly sober style".
This is neither the sober style of history, nor the intention of it.
"I hear the word deadpan a lot," he said in regard to his sober style of comic acting.
It is fine example of Cassels' robust sober style.
He even purchased European clothes for him to wear on occasion, though not quite of the sober style favored these days.