I wanted this for myself, a clean sober life.
"My commitment to live a sober life remains strong," Daly said.
He has lost over 75 pounds and attends meetings daily to help maintain a sober life.
Presently, however, this exuberance gave place to a more sober life of work and meditation.
He's the very image of the decent, sober, honourable life.
Now 48, she still works daily to maintain the sober life she's had for the last five years.
The date was Oct. 6, 2005, the first day of Hamilton's clean and sober life.
Hari goes back to Banaras and lives a sober life.
That's what you gets for leading an honest and sober life, my lads.
Mr. Levitt, who is 48, says he now lives a sober life.