In any event, John Paul looked grim as he prayed privately at a side altar and then walked among the dead Bishop's relatives, nearly all of whom sobbed heavily.
After the jury delivered its verdict yesterday, emotion overcame the detectives' widows, Rita Williams and Madeline Guerzon, who sobbed heavily.
But the tree leaned a little further over, and resting its lower branches on his shoulders began to sob heavily.
Angelo walked past him, and took the gun away from Damien, who was sobbing heavily now, his fat frame shaking.
She pulled a little handkerchief out of her muff and began to sob heavily into it.
The young woman was sobbing heavily, her head bent back against the chair.
She stopped as Robyn sagged against her arm and sat hard on the floor, sobbing heavily.
But soon-" The girl sobbed heavily.
The girl stood up and then suddenly put her bare arms around Remo and began to sob heavily.
After raising his knife, he finds himself unable to kill her as she sobs heavily and begs him: "Oh, dear huntsman, don't kill me!