The girl picked up the receiver, soap suds streaming on to its cover.
My hands were up to the elbows in soap suds.
He was up to his elbows in soap suds.
Snow began to fall, big airy flakes settling on the windshield like a layer of soap suds.
Later she addressed her prince in a post-breakup monologue as soap suds fell from on high, like snow or some other white substance.
More's the pity, then, that they are in danger of drowning in soap suds.
By the end of the music video there are soap suds falling from the ceiling and onto the dance floor.
The steam from the engine wisped up into the blue sky like soap suds.
Or when you commit the cardinal sin of entering the bath without first rinsing off all the soap suds.
Lazie turned from the sink with soap suds clinging to his hands.