The next morning, I came downstairs to find my friends at the communal breakfast table, peering out the window at nine moose feeding in a snowy meadow.
It was about a mile away, across a snowy meadow, standing up on its hind legs, looking around.
Futility details an event where a group of soldiers attempt to revive an unconscious soldier by moving him into the warm sunlight on a snowy meadow.
By late this evening, scraps of yellow steel lay scattered over a snowy meadow amidst fir and larch trees.
The attackers came silently through the snowy meadows.
Pulling off the side of the road onto the snowy meadow, the car idled for a moment as the two stared at the house.
He saw gray rock and snowy meadows whirling in his sight with the shouts and screams of distant battle.
All along the way, beneath soaring peaks and snowy meadows, streams and rivers can be seen empty or diminished across long sections in which their flow has been diverted into canals, tunnels and turbines.
He climbed it and looked out of a glassless window across a snowy meadow.
The third section contains a seemingly single shot of a couple walking across a snowy meadow.