Lex's gaze followed the billionaire as he moved across the snow-covered ice.
And the going was over flat, snow-covered ice.
At the top of the cliff was a rippled plain of snow-covered ice, stretching to the horizon.
Slowly he crawled out onto the snow-covered ice.
Gant could not possibly, by any mechanical or physical means, take off along the length of snow-covered ice available to him while the ridge remained.
Together they left the cave and trudged across the snow-covered ice of the pool.
Many years ago, I read an account of waterfowlers pouring blue ink on snow-covered ice.
Egwene did not pause before riding out onto the snow-covered ice.
The wind was whipping around them as the snowmobile bounced and scraped along the snow-covered ice.
When they came to the riverbank they saw a white highway on the snow-covered ice.