This was still another cave with one side partly open to the outdoors; the air was very thin and bitterly cold and snow had sifted in.
The snow sifted through the trees, and they barely noticed.
Eventually they just went to the high school where they could sit under the overhang of a roof and watch the snow sift down.
On the hillside where I live in Columbia County, snow has been sifting downward out of a forgotten sky ever since this new month began.
It was just at frost-bite, and a light snow was sifting.
It was empty except for a litter of torn felt matting and broken glass over which fine snow had sifted.
A gentle snow was sifting out of the heavy, leaden sky, covering the oldest monuments and newest apartment blocks alike with a fine white powder.
The thick evergreens broke the force of the wind, and the snow sifted lazily down through the boughs, lightly dusting the needle-strewn floor of the forest.
Fine snow was sifting through the trees, powdering the ground and drifting against him.
The first snows were sifting across the hard ground and the sky was a dull, overcast pink.