He snorted angrily and went back in the living room.
The pigheads followed him a little way, but then halted, snorting angrily.
It snorted angrily and raised its head, peering in all directions except the right one.
He expressed surprise; snorted angrily and hung up the receiver.
Once, when he was quite near me, he stopped and snorted angrily.
The Herdmaster looked up from his viewscreen and snorted angrily.
He diverted from us and lumbered toward her, snorting angrily.
The bull snorted angrily, half charged him, then retreated against the onslaught.
Mendoza snorted angrily and glanced at Cody; the boy nodded that everything was under control.
Kaz snorted angrily and began to struggle with his bonds.