She was the snobby rich girl, the daughter of a wealthy banker; she was often neglected by her parents.
She finds the kitchen an ideal place to stir up revenge for a snobby girl who keeps pestering her.
Loremarie is a snobby little girl whose father is very rich.
He thinks I can overcome any obstacles and I would be more than a match for any and all snobby girls I might encounter.
Dylan Schoenfield is a snobby, rich and self-centered 16-year-old girl who goes to the upscale Woodlands Academy.
She is a high class and somewhat snobby girl who grew up with Kazuo.
She always gets beaten in everything by Raquelle, a snobby girl who used to be her best friend in fifth grade.
"I thought they were all in Sozampton all summer," Laurie said, clenching her teeth the way snobby girls on television always did.
Caroline Dawes, a snobby girl from Colie's school, is described as Colie's worst enemy.
Dawn Swatworthy is a snobby girl who pretends to be nice and Maggie's rival.