The left wing snapped cleanly in the middle, and the outer section drifted away like a gently falling leaf.
The ball was snapped cleanly and went dead center through the uprights, a 48-yard field goal that beat the Rams, 20-17, as time expired.
If the stems don't snap cleanly, cut them with a sharp knife.
It snapped cleanly, and left him clutching only the sheared-off hilt.
Both blades snapped cleanly and spun away, glittering out of the circle of white stones.
Some of the piles had been snapped cleanly in two like matchsticks.
The arms and legs snapped cleanly, like pieces of wood.
With the first tug of the pliers the key in the lock snapped cleanly in half.
The flesh of the entire mushroom is brittle, and the stem, if bent sufficiently, will snap open cleanly.
Even if it seems the strand snapped cleanly, look closely and you'll see the broken ends don't match.