Inflight Catering This service provides passengers with a variety of snack options available for purchase on board.
Also serves up snack options, including salads, at lunchtime.
They are breakfast type bars that are quick to eat in, and ideally as a slightly healthier and more wholesome snack option to chocolate bars.
More recent in-store promotions in the U.S. have urged customers to add a six-piece portion to their meal as a snack option.
Choose one breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus two snack options per day.
These are just a few healthy snack options; you can read about more here.
Its natural taste and soft texture make it a healthy and filling on-the-go snack option.
The health factor: Chips aren't necessarily your healthiest snack option, but these have several good things on their label.
There are also five additional drink and snack options throughout the mall outside of the food court and one full service restaurant.
I actually stood in front of the platform newsstand weighing all the snack options all of which, of course, were junk.