This book, smoothly translated from the French by Barbara Bray, was written in Paris before the world changed, but it makes compelling reading in America today.
This book of reminiscences and sketches is now smoothly translated by Walter Arndt from the Polish, and he manages to convey its wit and sarcasm.
"Notes From Hampstead," smoothly translated from the German by John Hargraves, is in many ways a literary tease.
One of the challenges of using guitar-synthesizers is that not all guitar-playing techniques can be smoothly translated into MIDI and resulting sound.
The smoothly translated result is exquisitely, engrossingly bad: over-imagined, overwritten, over the top - way over the top - but then so was Eva Peron.
The story, smoothly translated from the Hebrew by Dalya Bilu, operates on two levels of narration.
The story, as smoothly translated from the Hebrew by Dorothea Shefer-Vanson, is told alternately by several of the main characters.
The author and the illustrator of this smoothly translated and sophisticated adventure live in the Netherlands.
As one might expect, her book on opera, published in French in 1979 and now smoothly translated by Betsy Wing, offers a highly original interpretation of the genre.
Mr. Sorensen's prose, as smoothly translated by Paula Hostrup-Jessen, is fast-paced and economical, often laced with dry humor.