She shaded her eyes with a hand and peered ahead past the smooth ripple of the Radiance's cutwater.
A long smooth ripple, as the first four ranks of eighteen-foot polearms came down and halted, staggered to present a row of points.
The creature stood surveying me with glittering, expressionless eyes, and when a smooth ripple of muscles sent him gliding to the challenger's place in the ring I dubbed him the Snake.
Ezra Gurney suddenly pointed at a smooth ripple in the brighter waters of the river, a little way out from shore.
They tramped on with quickened strides, and the smooth ripple of the unseen crustacean monster still kept pace with them out in the river.
A comfortable woman who never counted calories and always wore her hair in smooth glossy ripples just like the wave marks on the sand.
Even in the starlight, it glinted with clear purity, reflecting the night back in the smooth ripples of its surface.
A very pretty lady of perhaps forty- five or fifty, with large, pale blue eyes and smooth ripples of auburn hair around her placid creamy face.
A smooth ripple of motion that had her jerking, a whimper of fear breaking from her throat.
His skin is smooth and shiny, his muscles ripple.