As the Guide folded itself back into a smooth, dark disk, Ford realised some pretty hectic stuff.
A zoom-in revealed it to be a smooth, silver disk devoid of any appendages; as before, the view gave no clue of its true shape.
Both Solinari, with its smooth, silver disk, and Lunitari, Krynn's other, blood-red, moon, were well up into the heavens.
This European species appears all year as smooth, dull orange-red disks up to 15 mm in diameter on damp sandy soil.
And nowhere, in the cloudless sky or on the smooth disk of enormous ocean, was there anything that moved, living or dead.
He will - probably - be born with smooth disks of skin instead of eyes.
The viewscreen showed, among the stars, the smooth black disk of a lone planet.
A Tesla turbine consists of a set of smooth disks, with nozzles applying a moving gas to the edge of the disk.
Droppings - generally flat, smooth disks, were rarely visible in active ecoi because of collection and clean-up.
The roof-mounted antenna is an AWACS plane's dominant feature; it is a smooth black disk with a white stripe down the center, and it rotates constantly.