A legitimate deep threat with very smooth acceleration.
This combination results in smooth and powerful acceleration combined with the fuel economy of a 1.8 L engine.
After what seemed like several wretched hours, they were definitely space-borne under smooth acceleration, and his nausea subsided.
They went in, and down in an elevator, and presently he felt smooth acceleration.
The smooth acceleration of a powerful engine signalled the departure of the second vehicle.
The plane shot forward with a swift smooth acceleration.
It swept forward in a swift smooth acceleration that was invincibly convincing of power.
It swung about, steadied, and swept forward with a terrifying smooth acceleration.
The door slid closed, and the cab was moving, taking the rest of the ellipse in smooth acceleration before vanishing down the long drive.
There was no sudden shock of G-force since the repelatron drive provided a smooth, constant acceleration.