He might have enjoyed that if they had not been so willing to give him smoky looks right in front of Tuon.
In this manner, each scene was given "a perpetually smoky look".
You still have that smoky look.
"I'll take you," he said, looking down and giving her a smoky look that spoke volumes.
His eyes were large and intelligent, gray in color and ringed by thick, black lashes that gave them a smoky look.
Even dramas set in Los Angeles have the brooding, smoky look of a February afternoon in Glasgow.
She is wearing a smoky sultry look now; she smiles like a harem girl through a gauze mask.
The sky-blue eyes took on a smoky look.
It had a soft, smoky look about her shoulders.
The video is dark and muted; the neutral colors and many visible cameras give it a smoky look.