On the half screen, an uneven field of rubble, the shattered remains of trees, the languid columns of smoke twisting in their own heat, a damage assessment team from Fleet in their protective gear.
More savage crashes and explosions rocked both Coast Guard cutters, smoke and flame twisting into the sky.
Dunes of rubble, where a few walls and archways had endured the maddened assault to jut skywards like pagan altars, soot-blackened bricks, burnt spikes of wood, wisps of smoke twisting lazily.
But the great informing image in the sky over Jersey, still so conjurable in memory as to serve as a totem, is the tower of smoke twisting skyward, replacing the elongated dominoes that had lorded like idols over the plain.
She ground out her cigarette and watched the last of the smoke twisting toward the ceiling.
Several fires blazed in the camp and sent hazy tendrils of smoke twisting into the black night.
The last they saw of it was a thread of smoke twisting toward the moon.
Just before evening a black object appeared far ahead, like a tremendous column of smoke twisting skyward.
One of them was a Nograkh prisoner beside B'Elanna, wisps of smoke twisting from the bloody ruin of what had been his head.
Studying the smoke twisting toward the ceiling, she continued.