A minute later, the sky was clear, except for white and black smoke, illuminated from below by the glow of fires burning on the smooth ocean, miles away.
With our shaggy jackets drawn about our shoulders, we now passed the Tomahawk from one to the other, till slowly there grew over us a blue hanging tester of smoke, illuminated by the flame of the new-lit lamp.
Trees and dirt, bushes and whole beds of flowers flamed into the air - a panorama of greens and browns and speckled dots of colour within the billowing grey smoke illuminated by the hot white floodlights.
Curtis Martin said he was shocked when he saw the smoke illuminated at night when he went into Manhattan.
If all goes well, the whale will rotate in the wind and emit streams of smoke illuminated at night with colored lights.
Turning himself over, he looked down the length of the cave and saw a figure through the smoke, illuminated from behind by strong lights.