They wandered for an instant, then she caught sight of us and smiled sleepily.
Connor woke when he felt Rebecca stirring, and she smiled sleepily up at him.
She moved his arm back onto the bed and he smiled at her sleepily.
Wren's eyes opened wide again, and she smiled sleepily up at her astonished partner.
He smiled sleepily and reaching up a hand, pulled me down to his mouth.
He did not speak, but smiled sleepily at Trevor and reached for his hand.
She smiled sleepily at him, and was rewarded with a big, delighted smile.
And yet here was Cranston smiling sleepily at them, very much unhurt!
Even the child in Molly's arms smiled sleepily when her sisters told her that the water had come at last.
She smiled sleepily and kissed him, used to his sudden notions.