He smiled sincerely, which wasn't difficult because he really was sincere.
She smiled sincerely, clearly delighted at the opportunity to show off her precious prodigies.
Here and there among the books, visitors could find signed photos of Charlie with every president since Richard Nixon, some few of whom were smiling sincerely.
"That was a long time ago," Khala replied, smiling sincerely at him.
She smiled sincerely and automatically, stepped forward and extended her hand.
He smiled at her sincerely.
He smiled sincerely at the jurors, then introduced himself.
Ms. Thomas insists on smiling so sincerely and aggressively that concerned viewers may begin to worry about cracks in her jaw, not to mention her teeth.
"You married a winner, baby," Louis said, smiling sincerely.
The President nodded and smiled sincerely.