Alphonse looked tired and drawn, but the arrogant smile on his lips hinted at things better left unknown.
And her smile hinted what she thought.
A shy smile hinted that he did not entirely regret it.
The world sat with its long legs crossed, a bright little smile hinting at an array of emotions, none of which were likely or valid.
She wondered if he knew what devastating charm his smile hinted at.
His sly smile hinted at some knowledge Ray could only guess at.
Quark looked over to see her eyebrows raised on her forehead, and a closed-mouth smile that he thought just might be hinting at mischief.
Aballister's smile hinted that Dorigen might have overstepped her bounds.
But, her smile hinted, she'd burned all that out of her.
The shy smile with which he welcomed Yosh hinted at a childish simplicity.