The table was spread; the wine was carefully decanted; and the dinner smelt delicious.
It was hot and smelt delicious.
The food looked inviting and it smelt delicious, but I had no appetite.
Barney went along to the kitchen, where Mr. Jones was cooking a breakfast that smelt too delicious for words.
It smelt delicious Andy woke up after a while and shared the meat with Tom.
The tiny palace was soon ready, and a fresh bed made of wild thyme, which smelt delicious.
Next to her was Ruth, opening a large pot of shrimp-paste that smelt simply delicious.
They all went into the warm kitchen, where Mrs. Sanders was cooking something that smelt most delicious.
It was already warm and the garden smelted delicious.
The morning was bright and sunny, the coffee smelted delicious, and bird-song from the garden filled the air.