What are you supposed to do if you're the chef at Les Halles and your fishmonger is giving you smelly fish?
We merely wanted to put something disgusting in their net...getting a big smelly fish seemed like the best thing we could do.
I feel like one of those little smelly fish I saw in a tin can once.
She picked up my entry with two fingers, as if it were a smelly fish.
He's got a long pull ahead, but he ought to be back poking into your smelly fish in a month or two.
I know all about damage control and how organizations go about burying their smelly fish.
Dead, rotting, smelly fish still blanket the shores around the world and stillcarry the diseases that have driven most of the coastlinepopulations inland.
Rabban despised the planet's dreary skies, cold temperatures, and primitive people with their smelly fish.
The smelly fish are dumped onto the deck of ships with the hagfish poking out from their bodies.
He didn't appreciate having to carry pounds of smelly fish back to the tank.