Or maybe she's just burned out her smell receptors leaning over those hot reactors all day.
It has also given insight into the workings of many different biological systems, including smell receptors and protein structures.
The nose's parts include smell receptors and nerve connectors to receptors.
I also like another idea, that because the position of an excited smell receptor is unimportant, its central processing station is adapted to make global rather than local associations.
(Flies genetically altered to lack smell receptors could not tell the difference.)
Until now, such smell receptors had been found to be active only in the nasal cavity.
Suppose, Dr. Gold said, that there are 10 smell receptors, each sensitive to a particular class of odors.
The detection of an odor begins with an arousal of smell receptors distributed more or less randomly within the nasal cavity.
He uses the term "sensory-specific satiety" to describe the process by which smell receptors send messages of fullness to your brain.
Smelling When scent molecules move past smell receptors in the nose, those receptors send a signal to the brain.