Just before he is knocked unconscious by an unseen assailant, he smells jasmine, the same aroma as Coral's perfume.
I could smell jasmine.
I could smell sandalwood and jasmine amid the acrid sweat of the mourners as I made my way to the front and stood by Joshua.
He smelled her, jasmine and wood smoke.
But given my personality, such improvisation is still a problem, except at Thanksgiving, when, despite the chill in the air, I begin to smell jasmine and suddenly feel laconic, as if I have all the time in the world.
I could smell her perfume again, rosewater and jasmine.
Some cannot smell jasmine while others are unable to detect hydrogen cyanide.
He was not two Masters of the City, and he didn't know what the hell I was; in that moment neither did I. I smelled jasmine and rain.
I smelled jasmine, sweet and piercing.
He thought he smelled jasmine.