Four other shells smashed straight into the second floor of the palace.
A brown-and-blue thunderbolt smashed straight into Jeren's back between his shoulder blades.
He thought to bury the ogrillon, smash straight in with his powerful steed and crush the invader.
Two security men saw the missiles come in from the sea-fast and low, smashing straight into the main buildings.
Five thousand soldiers, an entire division with tank and artillery support, smashing straight through the town.
Came in from dead ahead and smashed straight into the nose.
It smashed straight on to the main ladder.
It smashed straight into the pumps and ripped them away.
"Uh-ohu" Spewing blood, the titanosaur pounded past them and smashed straight through the trees, not bothering to look for a better way out.
She smashed straight through the forest's roof, kept rising at multiple g's.