A truck came around the corner and smashed into my parked car and totaled it.
What you don't know," said Don, "is how much I wanted to smash his face into his car.
It seemed fine until one day someone smashed into his car and he had to get it repaired.
An older woman came flying through the E-ZPass lane and smashed into his car.
Blake is subsequently sent hurtling through the air and smashes into Mike's car, killing him.
The nightmare always ended with him laughing as he smashes into our car.
The mourners were burying the body of a man who died after a police vehicle smashed into his car on Tuesday 22 November.
He sent his car smashing into the robbers' car, forcing them to flee on foot.
A pickup following them smashed into the Carpenters' car.
She died when a car driver racing a motorbike smashed into her car.