Then something smashes her between the shoulder blades and she goes down.
She smashed the bolt down between them, bringing it in as close as she could to Sabretooth without touching either him or her.
Don't you think we can smash him between us, the way you'd smash a hickory nut between two stones?
The butt of an AK-47 smashed between his shoulder blades and almost knocked him off his feet.
It didn't hit the spider but it did smash between the monster's legs.
They will smash conventional relationships between old and young.
Men in gray really had crossed the river, and he would have to respond or see the Army of Franklin smashed between hammer and anvil.
At the same moment he drove his spear down into the other man's face, smashing it between the teeth into the brain.
Imbued with the full might of the green energy, he destroys the yellow battery by smashing it between two moons.
And there it was, hanging with the rest of my clothes, smashed between my suede jacket and a denim shirt.