Strangel seemed to lose a little of his momentum, but he was still advancing, and smashing aside branches as he came.
They who shall answer my call will smash aside any petty advantage Maril may have over us in numbers and strength.
The blade hit a tree too thick to smash aside.
Storm leapt into the air and smashed aside a foe's blade, her other hand snaking in to take him by the throat.
The creature roared and charged, much faster now, smashing aside the screen of bushes.
Like a Titan, he was, smashing aside the savages like so many toys.
As a great section of flooring smashed aside, Neville scrambled up through the opening.
The tower was being crushed flat and smashed aside, squashed into long flattened feathers of ice.
It smashed aside her hastily raised fingers and struck her hard on one side of the face.
A colossal, white form burst from the undergrowth, smashing aside trees as it came.