But the show, inspired by Wendy Perrin's travel guide and smartly directed by Patrick Quinn, has its share of misfires.
"Waiting for My Man," smartly directed by Anthony Patellis, isn't always compelling.
Mr. Setlock, in fact, plays everyone in this intermissionless one-man show, which has been smartly directed by Nicholas Martin.
"Self Defense," smartly directed by Randy White, continues at Here, in the South Village, through June 15.
"A Man of No Importance" is smartly directed by Suri Krishnamma, whose previous work has been for television.
But "Underneath the Lintel," smartly directed by Eric Ting, is anything but dryly historical or somber.
DVD Talk's Stuart Galbraith gave Sette note in nero three-and-a-half stars out of five, calling it "a very effective little thriller, smartly directed and engrossing".
"Snapshots '98," smartly directed by Jeff Cohen, continues at the TriBeCa Playhouse through Sunday.
The first episode was "well written", "smartly directed" and "splendidly acted".
"Angels Don't Dance," smartly directed by Mirra Bank, who is the playwright's wife, continues at the Neighborhood Playhouse through Saturday.