According to the briefing Major Batenin had given him, this was a small-scale version of a plane actually in development.
A planetary reduction drive is a small-scale version using ball bearings in an epicyclic arrangement instead of toothed gears.
The other entries varied from simple brick structures to a small-scale version of a Portland train station that was torn down.
This is an unassuming, small-scale version, without affectations and without an overlay of interpretation.
And it even has its own, small-scale version of the Flatiron building.
The program constitutes a small-scale version of such a trading system, participants said.
It was a very small-scale version of what humans ethnocentrically referred to as "terraforming," and remarkably effective.
The diminutive term modeletto will always be used of small-scale versions.
Industry officials say a small-scale version of the airplane has been flying for several years, and has provided useful radar data.
It was built from the 12th century as a small-scale version of the Abbey of Cluny.