Workforce decentralization and transport improvements made it possible for the establishment of small-scale manufacturing in the suburbs.
There is little merchandise trade because technology permits small-scale manufacturing.
The economy had few major players until the 1990s and was dominated by retail and small-scale manufacturing.
Instead, it can be argued that more attention should have been given to services and small-scale manufacturing.
The city has small-scale manufacturing and food-processing plants.
But the Bloomberg administration can certainly do more to encourage small-scale manufacturing.
More recently they have begun to move gradually into small-scale manufacturing of clothing, building materials and other goods.
The most popular occupation was clothing merchant, followed by the small-scale manufacturing and general retailing.
There's some small-scale manufacturing, mostly to rebuild systems for the ships that land here.
In addition, livestock raising and orcharding play a role, and there is some small-scale manufacturing as well.