The small nuclear whorls are immersed in the first of the succeeding turns, above which only half of the last volution projects.
The smaller whorls have white spots near their edges and also some darker streaks which fuse together on the largest whorl.
As he watched, small bright whorls raced around inside the column.
He pointed at a swirl like the image of a moving hurricane, spinning off smaller whorls from its trailing edge.
The two, small whorls of the protoconch are depressed and helicoid.
The silvery circle filled again with pearly mist, the faint colors making agitated small whorls, as if trying to form an image.
He gazed across the room at a small whorl of color on a marble pillar and tried to ignore his discomfort.
Yellow dust sifted and stirred in small, cyclonic whorls.
The apex is minute, with the small embryonic 1 whorl rising from a minute flat.
There are at least two, small whorls in the protoconch.